Post-Winter Heater & Boiler Check-up

Another winter has come and gone. We’re now cleaning and fixing up the site and equipment. Some of you have experienced problems with your heating systems. The hot water heaters and your de-icing/in-floor heating boilers are no longer running at their peak capacity and a couple of owners have told me they’ve had some trouble this last winter with their bays icing up. This has shown up in some cases as the piping in the bays and in others as the boilers. Either way is a major problem and one which needs to be taken care of before next winter’s cold weather. Still other operators have experienced issues with their water heating system for the wash bays.
Problems reveal themselves in cold spots in a bay, or an entire bay icing up. You can see a symptom of leaking when there is a continuing need to add glycol to the system. Of course, catastrophic problems happen as well. A boiler can simply stop working requiring major repairs to operate again. On older boilers, expensive repairs to an inefficient boiler may not be the best solution.
Tank type water heaters also have an annoying habit of breaking down after a seemingly short period of time. These types of heaters are not only expensive to operate, but tend to leak after useful life periods of sometimes only 5 years.
Call us with whatever problem you’re experiencing and we will do our best to help you get it sorted out.